Chicago Sneak Peek #1All this corruption and jockeying for power sure makes a town a little rough ‘round the edges. Guess it’s true what they say; you can’t ever really go home again. But if you can’t beat’em, join ‘em.
Chicago Sneak Peek #2 Turning
this dump into a class act will take work. And good hooch; the real
McCoy. But paying for it is for saps. There’s more than one way to skin a
It’s amazing what power buys you in this city; all the dames, hooch and clams you could want. And respect. Cops are only too happy to look the other way, with all those greenbacks lining their pockets.
Soon my speakeasies were running at maximum capacity. We was runnin’ three trips a week to the border to pick up the booze. Sure I had to protect my investments, but life was good. Then the other families decided they wanted a taste of that good livin’...
I guess I should’ve seen it coming, but doesn’t loyalty mean anything in this business?! Must be time to assert myself.
When I reached Pantucci’s office, he was with a dame – a real plump bird wearing too much makeup. He was wearing it now too. His wife wouldn’t be pleased. But then red isn’t really Guido’s color... (Guido ain’t lookin’ so good in red...)