Spockholm once again developed something new. We call it the "Link-o-Database", and it is basically an addition to the Link-a-Nator and the Free-Gift-Get-a-Nator.
The original way of sharing your gift links was posting them to your wall. The script to create and post those links is called the Link-a-Nator, or LAN.
Later we came up with the idea of a Spocklet that collects all those links posted to your friends walls and displays them in a easy way. This is called the Free-Gift-Get-A-Nator, or GAN.
In the latest version it even sorts your links by category and lets you click them or copy to the Bagman Mugger.
Meanwhile Facebook-API changed a few times and is still changing for some accounts, making it really hard to find enough gift links. We've already added (with help of our fan Bill Liebler) an option to scan the feed, but this is painfully slow and never gives you a lot of links.
We've always dreamed of having our own database of links, where you just go in and get links that you want, fast and instantly, without bothering Zynga or Facebook. The problem here was to get only the links of your mafia members, which is not a simple problem.
Now Zynga came with their (or Chester's) Family Module. With the Family Progression, the need for gifts became bigger, since you can easily fulfill your daily helper task with opening 100 gifts.
So we from Team Spockholm sat down and designed and created a Family Gift Database (Martin called it Link-o-Database).
How does it work?
The concept is simple. Every Family Member contributes their links, and every user can then retrieve their Families links.
We designed this to be as easy as possible. It was integrated into Link-a-Nator and Get-a-Nator and you just need one extra click each to use the Link-o-Database.
When running the updated Link-a-Nator, you will notice the following new options:
Clicking the "Publish to family link-o-database"-button will publish your links to the database. One click, no further work for you. If you want to even save that click, check the "Send to database automatically after creation."-Option and your links will always be updated to the database.
Now that you have created your links, you may want to retrieve your family member's links and click them. Run the updated Free Gift Get-a-Nator and select the option "Link-o-database" from the select field. Click "Scan" and you will see the links in an instant!
To ensure you are really uploading your links for your family, we've added a leech-check. You have to have at least 10 links uploaded in the last 48 hours, or you are not eligable to retrieve your familiy's link. Of course you should post your links daily to help your family the most!
For the Beta-Test-Phase, we have decided to roll this feature out (yes, sorry for using Zynga-methods) to only 1/10th of the familys. If you family-id ends with a "7", then you may use it. We're doing this so we can monitor the server-load and will then include more families every day. So try again every day and enjoy the benefits of this new service!
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Article written by Eike, part of Team Spockholm and co-writer to the MW Loot Lady Blog
All material is protected by copyright law