Monday, May 28, 2012

Declare War, Glitch, Bug or Something

The GLITCH reward comes from "HELP IN WAR". I tried this before posting here and it does work. I'm not sure if it works for only the players who "help in war" or includes the player posting the war. Follow these steps:
STEP-1. Look for a MIA Player (not active in playing Mafia Wars), to make sure you win in every war.
STEP-2. Declare War for the player found in STEP-1.
STEP-3. DO NOT POST THE WAR! Once you Declared War (DW), Ignore the pop up message for war help by clicking the X sign button from the pop up message or closed the game.
STEP-4. Go to your old link for war help and give it to your friends for help in war.
STEP-5. THIS STEP YOU "MUST" REMEMBER - DO NOT HIT THE HEAD ENEMY FROM THAT WAR. (Leave the head shot open until you win from that war by the time). Tell your friends Do Not Attack Head Enemy - DO NOT TAKE THE HEAD SHOT!
STEP-6. Enjoy this trick. (You have a chance to gain max 6 rewards from a war help) I think the number of rewards is random. Sometimes you get 2, 3, 4, 5, or if your lucky 6. GOOD LUCK!