Saturday, May 26, 2012


EXPERT mode:
  1. Make a notepad for 25 same id's for target blaster example:,100000275981771,100000275981771....x25.
  2. Open Gift Blaster. 
  3. Select the "expert mode" then select the gift. 
  1. Copy paste 25 same id's into the white box. (or you can click from "Own List" button)
  1. Click the green "+" sign 25 times.
  1. Change all the 25 0.0% make it to 4.0%
  1. Start sending.
  1. Done, your target will accepted 25 gifts. 

OLD mode:
  1. Open Gift Blaster. 
  2. Make a list for 25 same id's for target blaster and save in "Own List" example list: 100000275981771,100000275981771....x25.
  1. Select gift. 
  1. Select "Mafia (g)" or "FB Friend (g)" (for first time sending you must send to: "Mafia (g)" or "FB Friend (g)" until finish sending all the gift to all your Mafias or FB Friends.)
  2. After doing step no.4 clik "Own List"
  3. start sending.
  4. Done, your target will accepted 25 gifts.