New players and those who haven’t played in a while will find the option to get some nice rewards.
The layout is completely different. The Game Header on top is missing the travel option and all players must remain in Chicago until they complete the quests.
Below the header are Energy and Stamina Packs. Players start out with 6 each.
The only thing players can do are Arenas and jobs.
The Arena is not the same as we are used to playing. The cover charge is 1 stamina and each attack costs 1 stamina. There is no Power Attack feature and each fight lasts 60 seconds instead of 90 seconds. There can also be 3 and even 2 player Arenas.
At the bottom of the page are options for profile and inventory pages. They are abbreviated versions of what is in the main game.
You can’t search the inventory but if you click on “SEE ITEMS” you can see what you own.
All players with this feature will find they own 32 each of the following items. They are labeled “Special Event” and are not available to all players.
The quest module is located to the far left of the layout. There are a total of 6 quests with each one offering great rewards.
Players get experience, loot, skill points and reward points for completing quests.
Below are the loot rewards for each quest. These have not been added to the inventory and are only added once a player with the feature earns them.
Quest 1: Undo The Undone
Quest 2: The Amendment
Quest 3: It’s Tradition
Quest 4: In Your Veins
Quest 5: Quench Your Thirst
Quest 6: Break Of Don
Upon completion of the 6th Quests, players will be released into the standard game format and are asked to take a survey located here about their experience.
Thanks Mafia Wars Loot Lady for the information and screen shots.