Thursday, May 31, 2012


You will also get additional benefits for the longer you stay subscribed. Lookout for many more surprise bonuses!
The VIP Membership Plan is a monthly subscription for Mafia Wars with incredible benefits, including new exclusive loot drops for VIPs from doing jobs, fighting, and robbing. These items have amazing attack and defense stats and will be updated regularly! You will also see a pop-up each week confirming the delivery of Reward Points and exclusive VIP Limited Edition loot. Your membership includes the ability to buy skill point reallocation at least once anytime, every day. You will also get additional benefits for the longer you stay subscribed. Lookout for many more surprise bonuses!
Your subscription to the VIP Membership Plan starts from the date you purchase the membership. You will automatically be billed the same day of every month. You may cancel your membership at any time. Your benefits will remain intact until your subscription period expires on the next billing date. For example, if you join on April 5th, your next billing date will be May 5th. You will not receive a partial refund while you are enjoying these benefits over the remainder of your subscription period. Billing will end when you cancel your subscription. You will keep all the items (including VIP loot, Reward Points and Skill Points) you received while you were a member.
Join the VIP Membership Plan NOW!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Property Building Timers!!!

Zynga is now changing the timers back to the way it used to be, where we can benefit from Early Builds Again!!! This is awesome!!
This was posted on the Mafia Wars Support site today. I have heard that many people have different timers on their properties, as well as many other issues regarding the new property “improvements”. If you are having issues or would just like to let them know what you think please fill in the survey below.
Issues with new Property improvements?
Updated 05/28/2012 at 18:24
Good News !!We are incrementally rolling out a minor change to the Property Timers and the Property Dashboard. With these changes, we will be reverting to the previous way your Property Build timers used to work.
This feature is currently rolled out to 5% of the total players as we want to ensure a smooth and stable roll out.
If you are experiencing any issues with the game play, please click here to fill in a brief survey to let our team know.
Your feedback will help our engineers prioritize issues and resolve them faster.
Key changes made to the Property Timers are as follows:
You can now build 5 items from different global properties every 18 hours or you can build faster with Reward Points to speed things up. Shorter the timer, lower will be the cost of building.
The cost of additional builds depends on the property with the lowest craft time.
Each property has an individual build timer and you will be able to perform an additional free build after 18 hours from the time you performed the first free build.
Please check the below example for further clarification:
In this example, let’s assume that you built items from 4 of your properties at 2 hours of interval.
The timer reflects next free build available from that property as shown in the below screen shot:
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Now, let’s assume that after 2 hours, you performed your 5th free build by using the Visit Property link:
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The build timers for your properties will now reflect the new time and price:
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Your additional build cost will be determined by the property with lowest craft time.
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Once you perform an additional build, the lowest craft time & price will change to the new lowest timer as shown in the below screen shot:
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The same timers will be reflected in the Property Interface
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Marketplace Promotion: Auld Lang Syne Sale

Auld Lang Syne Sale is here!
Purchase any 15 qualifying items* in the Marketplace to earn yourself an Amish Goon (203/118)*
Sale items also include 4 limited items, including Jousting Lance (182/105), Cloak of Mail (105/182),V for Vintage (183/104) and Bone Awl (104/183).
Auld Lang Syne sale ends at 11:59 pm (Pacific Time) on 3rd June 2012, after which these exclusive items will no longer be available.
…To go along with the promotion RP puchases are 50% off!! Today Only!
**Only Items selling in the Marketplace are eligible for this reward. However, Items selling for less than 5 RP, Treasure Chest Items and Skill Point Reallocation do not count towards the prize.

Your Grand Prize for completion is an Amish Goon 203/118

You should now see this in your marketplace!

These were the current “sale” items, please keep in mind these will change frequently!

Buying Crates seems to be a Killer Deal right now!

These are the Prices for RP Purchases with the 50% off!

To go along with the Market Place Promotion… these 4 Limited Edition Items are now available in the Marketplace as well…

So if you frequently purchase items or skills from the marketplace this is a great bonus for you! Now is the time to spend those RP’s…

To Fix Unsecure Content In Chrome Browser

Sometime's we got that pop up like a bug's when we was playing and need restart our game.

Q: Why?
A: Web page contains several CSS and JavaScript files and these may be getting served from different locations. If the page is served over https but the associated files are served from a non-secure http website, the browser will throw the “insecure content” warning. 
Don't be upset we can fix that issue... and make your browser friendly :) If you trust the sites/scripts that are loading insecure content & want to remove the message this is how.

  1. Right click on your chrome shortcut link (windows home).
  2. Click Properties
  3. In the Target box add this below command to the end of the chrome.exe link.
    (space key)--allow-running-insecure-content.

    So your Target link should look something like this: "C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe " --allow-running-insecure-content
  4. Click Apply
  5. Close Chrome & now you wont get the insecure message again, if you still do here is the other way around it.
The other way around to fix this error is to disable facebook secure server, goto:
-> Facebook -> Account Settings -> Secure Browsing 
Then [x] Disable Secure Browsing
then load mafia wars from here: Play Mafia Wars 
Advise: only do this if you getting annoyed/trust the insecure content, as you won't know when it is trying to load anymore.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Declare War, Glitch, Bug or Something

The GLITCH reward comes from "HELP IN WAR". I tried this before posting here and it does work. I'm not sure if it works for only the players who "help in war" or includes the player posting the war. Follow these steps:
STEP-1. Look for a MIA Player (not active in playing Mafia Wars), to make sure you win in every war.
STEP-2. Declare War for the player found in STEP-1.
STEP-3. DO NOT POST THE WAR! Once you Declared War (DW), Ignore the pop up message for war help by clicking the X sign button from the pop up message or closed the game.
STEP-4. Go to your old link for war help and give it to your friends for help in war.
STEP-5. THIS STEP YOU "MUST" REMEMBER - DO NOT HIT THE HEAD ENEMY FROM THAT WAR. (Leave the head shot open until you win from that war by the time). Tell your friends Do Not Attack Head Enemy - DO NOT TAKE THE HEAD SHOT!
STEP-6. Enjoy this trick. (You have a chance to gain max 6 rewards from a war help) I think the number of rewards is random. Sometimes you get 2, 3, 4, 5, or if your lucky 6. GOOD LUCK!

Global Properties and Property Dashboard - FAQ

This was posted on the Zynga Support page… Go here to see the Official FAQ. Or here to take the survey & tell them what you think
Issues with new Property improvements?
Updated 05/23/2012 at 05:29
We have made some improvements to properties, it will make it easier for players to access and manage them.
There are 2 visible changes your new Properties Dashboard on the homepage and your new properties page.
If you are experiencing any issues with your Properties, please fill in the below survey to let our Studio Team know:

For a while when first released… the timer to rebuild for 1-2rp was not resetting allowing players to rebuild continuously for 1-2rp… that has since been fixed…

Global Properties and Property Dashboard – FAQ
Updated 05/23/2012 at 05:43
Real estate development is a great way to make additional money without the Feds breathing down your neck.
We have made some improvements to properties, it will make it easier for players to access and manage them.
There are 2 visible changes, your new properties dashboard on the homepage and your new properties page.
Mafia Wars Home page
Q. How do I use the new Property Dashboard on the Mafia Wars home page?
We have made it easier for you to manage all your properties using the new Property Dashboard on the Mafia Wars home page.
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The Property Dashboard has 3 tabs:
1. COLLECT: Click on Collect to view all the cities in which you have properties. You can collect from each city property one at a time, or can collect from all your properties within a city at the same time.
The timer indicates how long you need to wait until you can collect again.
Clicking on “Collect All” will show you what you have collected from a particular property:
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You will also be notified when you collect individually:
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Please note that New York properties on the Home page will not include the old NY properties:
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2. CRAFT: Click on Craft to craft from all your properties in each city, quickly and with ease. You can build items, make consumables and buy items using City Cash
You will see all Global Properties and City Properties under this tab.
Global Properties consist of all the Limited Time Properties released to date, along with the following old New York Properties:
- Chop Shop
- Weapons Depot
- Armory
- Private Zoo
You can access the Limited time properties by clicking on “Visit Property” link.
Click on the drop-down to select an item and click on the Build button to finish building.
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The drop-down menu will have 2 categories:
 - Craftable
 - Locked
You will only be able to build items under the Craftable category. If you want to build a locked item then you will have to upgrade the property. Click on “Visit Property” to visit your Global Properties.
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Q: How many Items can I build in a day? How many RPs do I need to spend to craft beyond free Limit?
A:  You will now be able to build an item from 6 different properties every 24 hours. Property Timers are now uniform for all the players across different geographies. To ensure that all players get similar benefits, the Property Timer resets every day at 00:00 AM Pacific Time.
You can build one free item per property every 24 hours, and can build a maximum of six items from across all your property within this time frame (From 00:00 AM to 23:59 PM Pacific Time of the same day). The timer will reset at 00:00 AM and any unused free builds will be lapsed.
If you want to build more items, you will be charged 12 RPs for every craft.
Q: How will I be notified after building an Item?
You will be notified after successfully building an item by a message similar to the one below:
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Q: What if I do not have required items for building an item?
A: You will be notified by the system if you do not have sufficient parts to build an Item.
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Q: How will I know which building materials are needed to build an item?
A:  Use the Visit Property link to visit your property and find out what materials are required to build an item.
At this moment, we are not displaying this information through any notficiations.
If you wish to craft an Item from a different property, the “Visit Property” link will help you navigate through all your properties.
Q: If I have a Property Crew activated, will I get the bonus Stats?
A: Yes, you will receive the Bonus Stats if your property crew is activated. Please note that Property crew will expire even if you use the individual collect option.
It is highly recommended that you use “Collect All” button to utilize the Crew benefits optimally.
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Visit Property
Use the Visit Property Link to navigate through and manage Old NY properties and all time limited properties.
Now you have 2 level of navigation in this interface.
You need not close this interface and can simply navigate through the properties using the scroll at the bottom of the interface.
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LIMITED TIME: Manage the currently active Limited Time Property by clicking on this
Please note that this tab will only be accessible when there is a Limited Time property available.
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The Properties page
Q: What are Global Properties?
Global Properties consist of all the Limited Time Properties released to date, along with the following old New York Properties:
- Chop Shop
- Weapons Depot
- Armory
- Private Zoo
The Global Properties tab will be available in all cities, just next to the City Properties tab. This will ensure quick navigation to your favorite properties without you having to travel to New york.
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Q: The Global Properties tab shows that I can build an item from 6 properties every 24 hours. How does it work?
Global Properties are a great way to build new items and sharpen your skills. Previously, players were able to build an item from 5 different properties every 18 hours. You will now be able to build an item from 6 different properties every 24 hours.
Q: How will the Property Timers work?
A: Property Timers are now uniform for all the players across different geographies. To ensure that all players get similar benefits, the Property Timer resets every day at 00:00 AM Pacific Time.
You can build one free item per property every 24 hours, and can build a maximum of six items from across all your property within this time frame (From 00:00 AM to 23:59 PM Pacific Time of the same day). The timer will reset at 00:00 AM and any unused free builds will be lapsed.
Q: What else has changed in the Properties page?
A:  We have redesigned the Properties page to load faster.
It is no longer required to make a property “Active” in order to use it to collect or build.
The Global Properties tab has arrows on either side so that you can scroll right or left through all your properties without reloading the page.
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When you mouse-over a property, you can view the various options that are available to manage the property:
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Player Suggestions On Mafia Wars

Dear Mafia Wars Players,
Based on your suggestion and feedback, we’ve made two more changes in the game.
1. We’ve now added a refresh button on the Family Boss Fight page that’ll provide you the latest values on family boss fight page without having to refresh the whole page for getting the updates. Values updated by the refresh button are:
  • Player Fatigue
  • Boss Rage
  • Boss Health
  • Number of bruiser, arsonists and racketeers.
2. We’ve added a confirmation pop up for accepting family battle request. We received feedback from the players that while accepting requests on the ZMC, players sometimes inadvertently accepted the battle requests. Adding a confirmation pop up would help players avoid accepting requests for family battle accidentally.
Let me know what you think by participating in this very quick survey!
-The Mafia Wars Team

Saturday, May 26, 2012


EXPERT mode:
  1. Make a notepad for 25 same id's for target blaster example:,100000275981771,100000275981771....x25.
  2. Open Gift Blaster. 
  3. Select the "expert mode" then select the gift. 
  1. Copy paste 25 same id's into the white box. (or you can click from "Own List" button)
  1. Click the green "+" sign 25 times.
  1. Change all the 25 0.0% make it to 4.0%
  1. Start sending.
  1. Done, your target will accepted 25 gifts. 

OLD mode:
  1. Open Gift Blaster. 
  2. Make a list for 25 same id's for target blaster and save in "Own List" example list: 100000275981771,100000275981771....x25.
  1. Select gift. 
  1. Select "Mafia (g)" or "FB Friend (g)" (for first time sending you must send to: "Mafia (g)" or "FB Friend (g)" until finish sending all the gift to all your Mafias or FB Friends.)
  2. After doing step no.4 clik "Own List"
  3. start sending.
  4. Done, your target will accepted 25 gifts.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


While adding some cool features to Zynga’s new property layout, Eike of Team Spockholm found some images for the upcoming Pit Lane Property. The unique upgrade part is going to be the Level Sensor.
pitlane1The skill points for the loot items are going to be +3 energy for the Torx Wrench, +4 stamina for the Skyhawk and +5 defense for the Motor Head. We can expect to see this property any time now.
pitlane3Eike got jiggy with his information and already updated the Property Manager. 

Special thank you to Spockholm-Info and Mafia Wars Loot Lady for keeping us up to date. 

Saturday, May 19, 2012

You are Rewarded with a Chauffeur!

Get driven in London by a Chauffeur (104/168) like a true mafia boss. 
If you have not already added this item to your inventory, you can locate and add it by following the instructions provided below.

1.  Visit your Home tab on Facebook

2.  Locate and click the Apps and Games tab

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3.  Scroll down and locate the announcement from Mafia Wars about the Chauffeur and click 'Accept'.

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4.  After you have clicked the accept button you will be taken back to the game and will receive the following pop-up:

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5.  To verify that the item has been added to your inventory, please click the Inventory tab:
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6.  Next you will need to click the Filter button:
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7.  Type 'Chauffeur' into the search field and click 'Go':

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8.  The following window will show that 1 Chauffeur has been added to your inventory.

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Play Mafia Wars and be driven to make it to the top!
-The Mafia Wars Team